Sparrows in the Rain

WC suspects readers may be getting bored with photos of birds, but a few more posts are in the pipe.

Today WC will offer sparrows. And just three, in the interests of getting some unpacking done.

This year, there were extraordinary numbers of Golden-crowned Sparrows around Cordova. Local birders were amazed by the numbers; WC was completely blown away.

Golden-crowned Sparrow

Golden-crowned Sparrow

This photo, like a few other low angles shots posted recent, were taken laying on the ground in the water-saturated grasses. Golden-crowned are migrants; by contrast, Song Sparrows are year-round residents, although they must have had a tough winter with Cordova’s 328 inches of snow.

Song Sparrow

Song Sparrow

Savannah Sparrows, which breed in Interior Alaska in decent numbers, were also present, if skittish around cameras.

Savannah Sparrow

Savannah Sparrow

WC has better photos of this species, but the coastal race shown here is different enough from the interior breeders that the hardcore birders would call WC out if he posted a better photo from, say, Creamer’s.

All of these sparrows were enduring 30-50 mph winds, sheets of rain and 36 degree F temperatures when these photos were taken. They have WC’s respect and admiration.

4 thoughts on “Sparrows in the Rain

  1. Not bored with the birds at all. Didn’t you say that you get more hits on post about birds then others?


    • Birds and photography score only slightly higher than economics. Posts on the Quitter are always the most popular. Go figure. Posts on Miller or legislative scandals do pretty well, too.

      But WC will continue to write about what amuses him. Popularity is overrated.



  2. I will never tire of your bird photos – and your magpie sensibilities, as I believe you called them. Post away, and we’ll keep reading.


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