What WC Is Reading: Joe Miller

Don’t miss the Michael Carey piece on Joe Miller in the  Anchorage Daily News. It’s incomplete – I think it may have been heavily edited – but Carey does a nice job of reviewing Miller’s resumé.

Scott Conroy at Real Clear Politics has an interesting article on Miller’s opponent, Scott McAdams. For a fairly conservative blog, it’s a reasonably neutral piece. It closes with this nice quote:

“I’m the guy who has served as a mayor; I’m the guy who’s been a locally elected leader for eight years,” McAdams said. “He’s the guy who’s a Yale attorney, so it’s pretty ironic that in campaign ’08, as much as Sarah Palin talked about the values of serving as a small-town mayor, that she’s now supporting an Ivy League lawyer with no experience at all.”

Blogger Legal Eagle does a nice takedown on Miller’s lame claim of constitutional law expertise over on The Mudflats. By the way, in response to some comments, WC is NOT Mudflats’ Legal Eagle.

Legal Eagle also has a nice entry on Miller’s attacks on social security and unemployment compensation, although, ahem, not quite as good as WC’s post a few weeks ago.

Craig Medred compares Joe Miller with the late Joe Vogler in a piece at Alaska Dispatch. WC thinks that’s highly unfair to Joe Vogler.

Further afield, there’s an uncritical interview and article in the L.A. Times, but this quote underscores again the nearly unbelievable arrogance of Mr. Miller:

Gregory Feeley, who met Miller in New Haven, said they once discussed that year’s presidential elections, when Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush and Ross Perot were in a three-way race.

“He said very simply and very succinctly that all three of them were stupid. Absolutely stupid. He bore down on the word with obvious disdain in his voice,” Feeley said. “It became very plain that he felt they were less intelligent than he was, and that was his criterion.”

Clinton was a Rhodes scholar; Perot was smart enough to make himself a multi-billionaire. Bush Senior had a long, distinguished career as an World War II pilot, ambassador, U.S. Senator, CIA director, vice-president and president.

Mr. Miller? Not so much.

Bonus Question: WC has gotten a couple of harsh comments for his criticisms of Joe Miller. So, in fairness and in response, WC offers a simple test for Joe Miller to show he understands constitutional rights and citizen responsibilities. Some fundamentalist preacher in Gainesville, Florida wants to burn a bunch of Qurans – the Islamic Bible – on September 11. Generals, the President, the Secretary of State and the Pope have all condemned the idea. Politicians running for office have been disappointingly silent. So Mr. Miller, how about a public condemnation of the preacher’s plans? Can you show us a smidgeon of moral, or at least political, courage?