Now That’s a Screed: Der Spiegel on Republican Presidential Wannabes

The German weekly news magazine Der Spiegel has weighed in on the Republican presidential candidates and it isn’t pretty.

They lie, deceive, scuffle and speak every manner of idiocy. And they expose a political, economic, geographic and historical ignorance compared to which George W. Bush sounds like a scholar. Even the party’s boosters are horrified by the spectacle…

Harper’s Magazine columnist Scott Horton summarizes:

At a time of mounting crisis, when much of the world is looking to the United States for leadership and initiative, the celebration of sleaze and ignorance that has marked the Republican primary is damaging the reputation of the nation as a whole. Even those who despise the G.O.P. should be concerned about the depths to which the party has sunk.

Ouch. WC supposes for a given definition of “exceptional”?

2 thoughts on “Now That’s a Screed: Der Spiegel on Republican Presidential Wannabes

  1. It seems the author of the Der Spiegel article and Mr. Horton’s political
    taste buds have suffered like most sane individuals have watching the
    2012 GOP candidates.


  2. We are witnessing the decline of the GOP. The current Republican party has become completely divorced from its roots- ascendant capitalism- manufacture and agriculture. The “crazy” is in the driver’s seat because the current GOP has NO real answers to any of our modern challenges. They have no answers for the casino calamity that is our financial sector — except “more for me.” They have no answers to our declining manufacturing sector– except “no taxes for me.” They have no answers to our energy dilemma– except “war for oil at all cost.” and “climate change? …what climate change?”

    At least some of the Dems are willing to ask the hard questions — they may eventually arrive at some real answers. The sane sector of the GOP is an endangered species. We may need a third party, but we certainly need a better second party. It’s “..the end of the world as we know it… and I feel fine!!”


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