Simply Despicable

Kansas House Speaker Mike O’Neal has asked his fellow Republican House members to pray for President Barack Obama’s death. O’Neal made the request via an email he forwarded to GOP colleagues in the State House. In an email sent in December, O’Neal asked his fellow Republicans to pray Psalm 109, which contains the following lines:

Let his days be few; and let another take his office.
Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow.

Is this person supposed to be a Christian?

WC thinks it is simply despicable. WC doesn’t usually agree with Think Progress, but WC agrees that the Secret Service should be looking into this.

WC thinks G. W. Bush was the worst president of the 20th Century. He wrecked the economy. He got us in two land wars in Asia. He engaged in torture and repeated violations of the U.S. Constitution. But never, in the darkest hours of Bush’s administration, did WC call for Bush’s death. WC never quoted scripture praying for Bush to die.

Alaska can take a tiny bit of consolation in no longer possessing the most insane elected state official.

5 thoughts on “Simply Despicable

  1. On behalf of all sane Kansans (mostly progressives, some independents, and a few moderate Republicans) I would like to apologize for Speaker O’Neal. As WC says, his behavior is despicable, but unfortunately, it is not unique amongst the GOP politicians in Kansas.

    I’ve signed petitions, written scathing emails, and called his office to express my displeasure and disappointment in his unprofessional, immature, and totally wrong-headed behavior. I suspect racism is at its core because this incident follows upon a one that disclosed a couple of weeks prior to this one in which O’Neal sent a cartoon to fellow GOP members that compared Michelle Obama to the Grinch because a photographer had snapped a photo that caught part of her up-swept hair being blown into a shape reminiscent of a cartoon of the Grinch. To make matters worse, it described our First Lady as “Mrs. YoMama.”

    The Speaker obviously is still an emotional adolescent who cannot conceive of the context and the consequences of what he jokes about. I realize he is a senior, but honestly, can he not think about how inappropriate these tasteless emails are. He seems to think it is no big deal because he simply forwarded them. That does not, in my opinion, let him off the hook. It actually makes it worse because it says he thought they were funny enough or appropriate enough to share with others.

    He is a bully. He finally did apologize for one of the emails, but firmly refuses to resign. I urge everyone to contact Governor Brownback and Rep. O’Neal to demand that he resign. He brings shame upon himself, his religion for his misuse and misinterpretation of scripture), his party and the state. How his constituents in Hutchinson still support such a tawdry and immature politician is beyond me. He must haul in the pork big time.

    At least 30,000 people (of which only 6,000 to 7,000 were Kansans) signed petitions on an interfaith website that two pastors delivered to O’Neal asking for his resignation. As a typical GOP politician, this did not phase him. The pastors said that O’Neal’s use of scripture was a misrepresentation of Christian faith and if he were going to use scripture, he should know how to use it competently.

    Sadly, O’Neal is also a licensed attorney. That makes me both sad and angry. He has brought to the legal profession as well.

    If you are interested in voicing your displeasure at his middle-school behavior, please feel free to contact him through your choice of snail mail, phone call or email.

    Representative Mike O’Neal
    Capitol Office
    Kansas State Capitol – Room: 370-W, Seat: 2
    300 SW 10th St. – Topeka, Kansas 6661

    Phone: 785-296-2302


  2. wow. election seasons aside, it isn’t often such high profile people utter (type) such balderdash. while this spike in stupidity is notable our BB* rating is still quite high. in fact our longest serving employee in DC is capable of similar verbal sewage…while wearing a spinner-top-beanie and bellowing at the top of his lungs.

    in any case, the only thing scarier than this old man speaking (typing) out loud is the lumbering pod of people who, “know just how he thinks.” i work around and am related to guys who will will paraphrase this for weeks to come. they’ll feel empowered to say the joke a little louder, with a little less consideration of who might hear. in a sense, if it wasn’t The Honorable Mr. O’Neal it would be another lizard-brained lout.

    *BB – Beavis & Butthead. generic representatives of slack jawed morons who lack self awareness and celebrate a vague pride in their ignorance.


  3. As crazy goes, the Psalm 109 folks are “moderate” crazies. They are only making a suggestion to God, which God is unlikely to follow. But some don’t just tell God what they want, they tell other people what God wants. Google “resistance to tyrants is obedience to God,” and you will find that this phrase, attributed to Jefferson, is disturbingly popular these days. “Tyranny” is in the eye of the beholder; J.Wilkes Booth’s exit line was “Sic semper tyrannis!” I suspect the Secret Service is busy dealing with more advanced malignancies and doesn’t have time to question this jackass.


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