Man Up, Kohring

Ex-con, ex-legislator and egregious sniveller Vic Kohring has an opinion piece in the Alaska Dispatch where he alternately denies blame and half-heartedly accepts responsibility for his crimes, blames the Feds, blames Bill Allen, blames the trial judge and whines about the hardships. It’s the kind of writing that makes you want to take a bath after you read it.

We’ve seen the videos, Kohring. There isn’t a jury in the state that wouldn’t have convicted you. That’s why you copped a plea. Man up. You’re a crook. You got caught. You did time. Wallowing in it isn’t going to make WC feel anything but appalled. Do something worthwhile for a few years and maybe Alaskans will think a little better of you.

And calling the bribe a “pittance”? A whore who sells himself cheaply is still a whore. To paraphrase a Chinese fable:

Two Chinese mandarins are walking in a garden.

First Mandarin: “Are you loyal to the Emperor?”

Second Mandarin: “Absolutely!”

First Mandarin: ” Would you betray the Emperor for $10,000,000?”

Second Mandarin: “Wow! That’s a lot of money. I’d have to think about it.”

First Mandarin: “Would you betray your Emperor for $1,000?”

Second Mandarin: “A thousand bucks? What kind of a man do you think I am?”

First Mandarin: “We’ve established what you are. Now we’re just haggling over the price.”

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