. . . And you’re watching cat videos?

© Randall Munroe, used via Wikicommons License

© Randall Munroe, used via Wikicommons License

The COVID-19 pandemic is sickening tens of thousands of Americans, killing thousands of us and Americans can’t even agree to the most elementary steps to controlling the pandemic. The country has hopelessly screwed up management of the disease, and tens of thousands have died as a result. The experts in the federal government who might be able to help have been silenced and the infection data compromised because the President is worried about his re-election. And you’re watching cat videos?

Innocent, unarmed citizens, may of them guilty only of being persons of color, are being murdered by law enforcement. People lawfully protesting that misconduct are being gassed, shot with rubber bullets, injured by clubs and worse. Unidentified, unknown alleged federal officials, dressed in camouflage,1 are mugging and kidnapping citizens, hauling them off without warrants or even criminal charges. And you’re watching cat videos?

The President of the United States is an unprincipled buffoon, whose only marginal skill is the one displayed on a reality television show – firing people, as crudely as possible – who sucks at everything else. He’s a pathological liar, a racist, sexist, utterly selfish, utterly corrupt monster.2 You think WC is exaggerating? Watch Jonathan Swan’s interview of Trump. Everything Trump touches turns to cat puke. He’s enabled by a Republican Party that has abandoned every principle except greed and survival. It’s a political party that has forgotten that the means never justify the ends. And you’re watching cat videos?

The planet is baking from CO2 poisoning. We’ve poisoned Idaho’s largest river to the point that if you even swim in it, or eat a fish from it, it will kill you dead. We’re annihilating entire species at a rate not seen since the Dinosaur Killer arrived to end the Cretaceous Period. You can find microplastic debris in the most pristine places left on the planet. And you’re watching cat videos?

Yeah, WC is, too. It’s just too much. It’s just overwhelming.3 WC is headed to the woods for a few days to try for a rest.4 WC will get back to you when he is feeling better.


  1. What’s with the camo, anyway? Is it to make them look “official”? “Military”? It serves no camouflage purpose on city streets, even in clouds of tear gas. How do we tell the true federal law enforcement folks from private contractors, vigilantes, neo-Nazis and the other opportunists? 
  2. WC recognizes that Trump is actually much worse than that, but a full itemization of his faults, crimes and wrongdoing would make this blog post tediously long. 
  3. Note: this is an exhausting list, but not an exhaustive list. Illustrative only. 
  4. Second growth forest, where the trees are dying from parasites and diseases worsened by climate stress, and invasive species introduced by humankind have disrupted the ecosystems. But still, woods. 

One thought on “. . . And you’re watching cat videos?

  1. I couldn’t agree more. Even cat videos have lost their powers of distraction during this sh*t show. I feel like it’s now part of my own DNA and NS. Hope you’re able to recharge. (I’m over here from Ron’s blog.)


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