Tales from Wasilla: The Bookburners’ Fantasy

The Matanuska-Susitna Borough reportedly has suspended its library policy. That policy allowed citizens to recommend books that they think should be removed from the library shelves. The library book policy was suspended when a January 18 meeting “devolved into a shouting match and name-calling.” The news led WC to write a bit of fiction which…

Donna Turner, Convicted Felon

Tales from Wasilla: Donna Turner

Strictly speaking, this is a tale from Big Lake, not Wasilla, but from anywhere outside of Mat-Su, it’s more or less the same place. The Big Lake Chamber of Commerce let Donna Turner, owner of a wedding rental shop, serve as treasurer for a reported eight years, apparently without audit or bonding. Turner embezzled some…

Tales from Wasilla: Karen Olson and the Denouement

Eleven months ago, WC wrote about the indictments against Karen Olson arising out of the latest failed effort to have an Alaska dairy. WC discussed the inability of some folks to leave alone money that is “just sitting there.” The other foot has, finally, fallen, and Karen Olson was found guilty by an Anchorage jury of two…

Tales from Wasilla: Hunting for an Honest Guide

Richard A. Kinmon Sr., of Wasilla, Alaska, was busted last week on 30 misdemeanor counts of violating Alaska’s hunting laws. Now Mr. Kinmon is what you might call a Man with a Past. He pled guilty to a guiding misedemeanor in 2009. He pled guilty to a guiding misdemeanor in 2010. He has six charges…