What to Do While Icing a Knee

Fantasy is escapism, but wait… Why is this wrong? What are you escaping from, and where are you escaping to? Is the story opening windows or slamming doors? Sir Terry Pratchett WC, under doctor’s orders, spends two-third of his days in a recliner, with his surgically repaired knee elevated above his heart, strapped to an…

Key: Most Memorable Moments

This post summarizes the semi-regular series, Most Memorable Moments, featuring some of the most memorable natural history experiences that WC has been lucky enough to enjoy. Sometimes nature can be magical and memorable, and, yes, it’s still magical even when you know how and why it works. This is a part of an effort to…

Meet Lora Reinbold

Maybe Eagle River is just too close to Wasilla? Maybe it’s something in the air in Wasilla that blows across Knik Arm and infects Eagle River residents? Whatever the cause, sometimes citizens of Eagle River – part of the Municipality of Anchorage – act an awful lot like Sarah Palin’s neighbors. Exhibit A would be…

A Eulogy for Ingenuity

WC has already noted that Ingenuity, the solar system’s most famous helicopter, has reached the end of her life. On her 72nd and final flight, she suffered some kind of unknown failure and broke one of her helicopter blades on a Martian sand dune. Perseverance, the Mars rover that carried Ingenuity to Mars’ surface and…

A Hot Spot You May Not Have Heard Of

As geologic hot spots or mantle plumes go, the Bowie Hot Spot isn’t exactly a gusher. The Hawaii hot spot may have produced Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea, the tallest mountains, measured from the base, on Earth. That’s a whole lotta lava. The Bowie Hot Spot has yet to break through sea level.1 The Bowie…

mitt Romney, GOP Presidential Candidate

Big Pharma, Big Lies – and Mitt

A few readers have criticized WC and the Magpie Principle because, by definition, the Magpie Principle rarely involves doing any in-depth analysis on the potpourri of topics WC writes about. Mostly, that’s fair criticism, but occasionally an issue gets WC worked up enough that, after WC calms down enough to write coherently – to the…

Coping Poorly with Change

Year Scientist Change 1543 Nicholas Copernicus  Dē revolutionibus orbium coelestium places the Sun, not the Earth, at the center of the solar system 1650 Galileo Galileii The Milky Way was composed of stars like the sun; our sun was not unique 1750 Thomas Wright Nebula first identified as clusters of stars like the Milky Way…

Republicans, Cannibalism and Headlines

WC subscribes to the Idaho Statesman, a Boise-based, very nearly daily newspaper. The digital edition includes notifications, and pretty much every locally written news story or opinion piece results in a notification in WC’s email box. Above you can see two of those notifications, sent about an hour and a half apart. Idaho cannibalism and…

The Technoking Takes His Marbles to Texas

Do little kids still play marbles? It’s an ancient game, traceable back to the Indus River civilizations, mentioned in Ovid’s poems and played around the world. There’s still an international tournament in England. The basic idea is for the players to each put 2-3 marbles each in a circle, and then take turns trying to…

Happy Darwin Day!

Descended from the apes! My dear, let us hope it is not true, but if it is, let us pray it will not become generally known. Attributed to the spouse of the Bishop of Worcester (or Birmingham), likely apocryphal1 Very few scientists have had a greater impact on our understanding of our world than Charles…

Lost in the Translation: The Smart Toothbrush Attack

Warning: This blog post was composed under the influence of pain-killing drugs. Read at your own risk. Have you heard about the computer malware attack on internet-equipped electric toothbrushes? Three million electric toothbrushes subverted by computer malware that attacks targets and victims with distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) exploits?1 Now before we examine the details of this…

Porky’s Prank Redux

It’s easily the most famous April Fool’s Day practical joke in Alaska history. The late Porky Bickar, of Sitka, Alaska, and a group of assistants, who mostly prefer to remain anonymous, helicoptered a couple of hundred old tires, some diesel fuel and a sterno can to the crater of Mt. Edgecumbe, an inactive volcano about…

A Sparrow Sampler, Part 2

If non-birders think about sparrows at all, they think of them as LBJs, Little Brown Jobs: Drab, boring and all the same. It’s not true, but there are 132 recognized species of New World Sparrow, the Passerellidae, and in juvenile plumages some can be tough to identify with certainty. For WC it adds to their…

Tales from Wasilla: The Bookburners’ Fantasy

The Matanuska-Susitna Borough reportedly has suspended its library policy. That policy allowed citizens to recommend books that they think should be removed from the library shelves. The library book policy was suspended when a January 18 meeting “devolved into a shouting match and name-calling.” The news led WC to write a bit of fiction which…

A Sparrow Sampler, Part 1

If non-birders think about sparrows at all, they think of them as LBJs, Little Brown Jobs: Drab, boring and all the same. It’s not true, but there are 132 recognized species of New World Sparrow, the Passerellidae, and in juvenile plumages some can be tough to identify with certainty. For WC it adds to their…

Chondromalacia patella

Or, WC versus his Right Knee, Round II As many readers may know, most joints in the human body are cushioned with a tough, rubbery tissue called articular cartilage. The back of the kneecap, the patella, is among those cushioned joints and is the joint in which the articular cartilage fails most often. As the…